Upcoming Stuff for A New Death 1/26/2014


Hey everybody! I just wanted to take some time and inform all the fans out there what’s coming up for the A New Death series.

First off, a few updates to the cover have been made, mostly just to make it slightly easier to read.

Next, I just finished the first draft of the mini-story that takes place during the events of A New Death. It’ll introduce new characters and set up background for an existing one. I’m really excited about this one. It won’t be a full-length novel, more of a short story. I don’t have a date for its release quite yet, but expect it this Spring!

Next on our list is a reminder that Friday January 31st will be the last day you can buy A New Death on the Barnes & Noble Nook. As long as you purchase it before then, you should be able to keep it on your device and read it. From now on, all digital copies of A New Death and its sequels will be exclusive to Amazon Kindle.

Now, I know not everyone owns a Kindle or a device with the Kindle app, but if you noticed in the last paragraph, I said, “all digital copies” will be exclusive to Amazon Kindle. What this means is that I am currently working on making a paperback version of A New Death! Yes, there will be a physical copy of A New Death. Right now, I am in the middle of formatting it for the paper version. I hope to have it out within the next couple of months, so Nook owners and non-eBook people, bear with me as I get things rolling!

And lastly, there is a full-fledged sequel to A New Death in the works as well. As of right now, I have an outline and a good idea of where I want to go with the story and character development. My goal is to finish up these other projects before I pour all my focus into A New Death II. But I can tell you one thing: I am so excited about what comes next! No spoilers though!

Anyways, that’s it for now and I cannot tell you how much your support as fans means to me! Being self-published means that I pretty much do everything by myself. I have a great team of people who help me with feedback, editing and cover design, but sometimes it feels like me against the world. Reviews are a great way of encouraging me so make sure to leave a review once you finish reading! It also helps everyone else know that the book is good!


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